Saturday 4 March 2017

Production Logo

Prior, Adding the Logo into After effects - I used photoshop to make the background black before importing the logo into after effects; then i re-scaled the size of the logo to make it smaller than it originally appeared.

Then i also imported a screen glitch video from youtube and added that on top of the logo but i did not want it to show...only the effect of the glitch for now, so i hide the footage by clicking on the eye icon. After which i went into the tabs and clicked layer and applied adjustment layer to the timeline.. this layer allows me to insert different effects that i would like to be present

With the, adjustment layer.. I added the effect called "Displacement Map" this allowed the logo to be distorted in anyway by change the vertical and horizontal displacement of the logo.

Then i duplicated the layer, and rearranged to make it look even more glitch rather than the effect running all the way through making it like unauthentic.

Then, i duplicated the film logo layer 3 times and called each RED, GREEN and BLUE. Using the effect RGB split, i was able to achieve these colours and also time framing where i would like the slit to occur aswell and I nulled the object so that i was able to create a wave pattern.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

VLOG: Day 3 & 4

VLOG: Day 1 & 2

These are vlogs from the first scene that we shot, this scene consisted of us giving background to what the trailer will hold.

Production Logo

This is the logo of our team's production house called Standard Screening. The name Standard Screening originated from the colloquial meaning behind the word 'standard' in which means to be better than average and to be someone or to do something that 'sets the bar' for everyone else. Using this word and its meaning ties along our film trailer genre which is UK gangster crime as it is a term that some of our target audience and cast members would know and say on a daily basis. My main idea when constructing this logo was simplicity, this is because many successful brand logos are simple in which made them very effective as viewers were able to recognise and associate the logo to the brand.